My Storyworthy Life
The Launch Plan Podcast
How to Attract The Right Clients (And Repel The Wrong People) - Part 1 (Your Message)

How to Attract The Right Clients (And Repel The Wrong People) - Part 1 (Your Message)

What is the cost of not nailing your message?

Millions, if not billions, if you're a big business. If you're a small business like ours, it could be devastating. That's because the wrong message doesn't just hurt a small business but kills it. Because the price you pay is not just losing new clients but finding and managing the wrong clients.

Not nailing your message can lead to a swelling email list of "squatters," managing disgruntled clients, and spending more time processing returns, and they are just the tip of the iceberg for a small business.

Six elements is all you need.

The good news is that you can save yourself from all that pain and tragedy of landing yourself in a business with the wrong clients. All you need to do is listen to this episode. You'll learn the six elements most likely missing in your message.

But what is a message? Well, that's what we start with inside this episode. Grab your earphones and listen closely to the episode where we help you attract the right clients for your business and repel the wrong ones. You heard that right. When you find the perfect message, it acts as the doorkeeper to your business, refusing the right to entry to the wrong people.

Don't forget the workbook

We highly recommend you don't waste time taking notes. That's because what you're about to listen to is a nuanced topic. And you need to make sure you don't miss out on the details. Listen closely, and sometimes it helps when you read between the lines.

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My Storyworthy Life
The Launch Plan Podcast
The podcast is all about online product launches for creators, small business owners, and entrepreneurs. On the show, we discuss and deconstruct online product launches with guests that are launching online courses, podcasts, masterminds, coaching, and all kinds of services from copywriting to fashion. The podcast comes out in seasons with each season focused on a specific topic. In Season 1 of the podcast we focus on online courses, diving into topics like cohort-based courses, email marketing, audience segmentation, creating irresistible offers, pricing strategies, traffic generation, mindset, course video creation, and more. You'll learn about launching businesses from scratch, growing your business, and scaling your product or service business. Every episode is accompanied with worksheets, transcripts, and you don't want to miss this. Hit the Follow button and get ready to level-up your launches. To continue the conversation, download the two-part ebook "Thirty Minute Launch". Use the first part of the ebook to pick a market, define your audience, and define your product or service. In the second part of the book, you'll find nuggets from every episode on The Launch Plan podcast. As a bonus, the ebook also gives you access to our customizable Podcast Launch Plan tool, go to